The United States has accumulated more than $26 trillion in debt. Learn what this means for your future and the future of our country. Join us and others who want to better understand the issues and explore solutions to secure our financial future



The United States is an unsinkable ship, right? This surprising new guide to the U.S. debt and deficit will challenge that mindset. Even the biggest nations can fail due to continuous deficit spending and unsustainable debt. Is that what’s in the future of our great country?

CPA and tax law expert Bob Marshall considers it a real possibility, absent significant changes to current fiscal policies. With a basic understanding of economic and financial principles, readers can participate in the process of fixing the recurring deficits and burgeoning debt. Marshall provides key definitions for terms that may confuse citizens. Everything from the debt ceiling to entitlement spending is explained in an understandable manner, with simple terminology and analogies to express sophisticated ideas. Even people with only a slight understanding of economics will find his arguments simple and persuasive.

In A Sinking Nation, Marshall encourages all citizens to be more involved in shaping the future financial trajectory of the United States. Without promoting specific solutions or people, Marshall provides practical guidelines for evaluating policies and candidates’ effectiveness in tackling our fiscal challenges. Be informed so you can be involved in restoring the financial security of our nation.

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